Friday, March 28, 2008

First of many..

I have only had a few people look at my blog so far, and no comments. Kinda sad, but its ok! Because really, if I happened upon a site with out anything to offer, no pics, no art, no anything... I doubt I would comment or stay long. So, with this post, I shall put one poem and one or two samples of my art up!
let's start with the poem:
For English we had to do a poem about this paper we had to write. My paper was on tyranny, so I wrote a poem that was about a famous tyrant. Enjoy.

Tyranny Thy Name is ‘Queen’

With lips so red
E’ry word one comes to dread
She is quick to decree
A death to thee
By slightest offense
Her pompous arm shall tense
“Off with her head!”
And then you are dead

Any good? I like it :D
Ok, so now for one of my first charcoal drawings. This is my entry for Illustration Friday's "Save." I call it "Through Dance I Am Saved." I don't dance, but I love to watch it and I think it is a truly beautiful type of expression and art. This is done with Primo-Charcoal pencils and on news-print sketch paper. Well, I think that'll be all for now! Have a wonderful day or night!




Little Pink Studio said...

I personally love this drawing Dauphine! Welcome to the blog world. I hope this one will become your home as it is quite enjoyable so far!
Much love,
Cerri xo

Dot said...

Welcome to the wonderful addictive world of blogging! Very pretty pic too...!


Unknown said...

great movement in this work - lovely

rakuette said...

excellent job!
i love your blog title too.


(oh, and i just moved from Dauphin Street, in Mobile, AL. what is the origin of your name?)

my 365 craft blog

notes from the land of lumpy pot