Monday, April 21, 2008

I am waiting- A Poem

I am waiting, patiently waiting for life to get going
And I am waiting for blue moons and
Clovers to no longer hold sway
For the rebirth of reason and trust
And I am waiting for bloody wrists
To stop bleeding
And I am waiting
To talk to you on your level and
For the obituaries to be written in yellow ink
And I am waiting, patiently waiting
For Mississippi to collide with Tennessee

I am waiting for Jane to forget the
Wife in the attic
And I am waiting for the body
To be whole again
And the ribs to stop protruding
For the quiet nerd to shout aloud
Screaming obscene thoughts and ideas
And I am waiting, patiently waiting for
People to say what they mean

I am waiting, heart clenched tight, for
The discovery of the need for a window
And I am waiting for the man in the sea to simply sink
For chalk to taste like banana and
For Mr. Potter sign my chest
And I am waiting, patiently waiting for scarves to be warm
For the American Eagle not to be purchased in paper bags
And I am waiting to avenge the Black Tulip
And I am waiting for little clay lions to tell me
Where the answers are
For the rainbow’s end to be found
And I am waiting for hearts to pound, pound, pound

I am waiting, so patiently waiting
For young sisters to know they are beautiful
Not just a toy for a silly boy
I am waiting, patiently waiting for Kindergarten trust
Not be shattered, shattered, shattered
I am waiting for the day, may it be now
May it be forever, when I truly can say “Wow!”

1 comment:

Little Pink Studio said...

This is a beautiful poem! You are so very talented. I bet your Mom's heart swells with pride when she sees things you create! :0)
~Cerri xo